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2023 Trends You Should be Preparing for!

The first quarter of 2023 is well underway and expert opinions are piling up on what companies should be preparing to contend with in the new year. Our company has had the amazing opportunity to work in close proximity with many different companies in a variety of industries. By partnering with some of our amazing clients, we accumulated a number of hard-won victories and learned a few invaluable lessons along the way. Please take a few minutes to take advantage of our experiences and be better prepared for what will be a huge year!

1. Post-Labor Shortage Burnout Relief

In a sampling of 25,000 employees across 12 countries, 53% of the surveyed individuals rated their work stress at levels high enough to consider alternative employment. The sampled individuals cited the recent staff shortages as the culprit of their elevated stress levels. As an entrepreneur, it is very important to be forward thinking and we tend to want to keep driving ahead. However, we cannot forget about the staff members that weathered the storm, worked extra shifts, did the work of multiple employees, and made sacrifices to keep the company afloat during the recent labor shortages. We recommend that employers make the effort in 2023 to communicate the value of each staff member right back to them. The message must be loud and clear, “We will remember the sacrifices you made for the team and we want to invest right back into you!”

2. Forming Relationships With Academic Institutions

We could not estimate for you the amount of times during consultations we have heard the line, “I don’t know why everyone is short staffed, I guess people do not want to work anymore.” This narrative is a product of political theories regarding the nationwide response to the pandemic and the elevated payouts for unemployed individuals. We sternly warn you about simply accepting the zeitgeist of your contemporaries. Studies show that a large portion of the workforce had actually moved to build upon or complete their education. Colleges and universities across the nation are now banks filled to the brim with highly talented individuals ready to re-enter the workforce and you are John Dillinger! Our company does an incredible amount of training to assist our clients in forming relationships with these institutions and leveraging that relationship to yield high value talent. We highly recommend saving some of those dollars put towards job ads and re-investing in forming those aforementioned community bonds.

Listen to the experts and identify the 2023 trends and challenges that are rapidly revealing themselves. Preemptive Action and Relevant Knowledge will be your must prudent tools in your toolbox.

Michael Chiovitti

Chief Talent Strategist

Eden Resources, LLC


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